Friday, March 10, 2006


When it all comes down to the crux, there are just two things in life that you have to choose between.

One is Power and the other Money.

When the choice is made, you've got your directions.

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  • Well in my view Money is Power. Look at Bill gates.
    My take is that
    one is Money and the other is "whatever you like".

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:08 PM  

  • The bottom-line is…. Money, Greed, Gluttony, Jealousy, Lust, Anger….will take you nowhere, responsible for the downfall of mankind since day 1, will keep on bringing disgrace …true Power comes from Knowledge, Love, clean Conscience …so KNOW it, FEEL it, HAVE it….

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:36 PM  

  • There is no knowledge that is not power.

    (Knowledge = Power)

    Money is power.

    (Power = Money)

    When you have loads of money, you can fart as much as you want.

    (Money = Fart)

    There you have it. Knowledge, Power, Money. All roads lead to fart. Period. :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:43 AM  

  • bow down to crapper cause he has all the crap(=knowlede) in his own words.

    reality: well its complicated, if bill gates lost all power over Microsoft but got 2 billion dollars, its hard to tel what he'd do. but consider Hitler when he lost his power he shot himself to death, well he was a psyco too, may be thats a different story. Consider Saddam, try and read about his trials in iraq, ny times has good coverage its very interesting. A battle for power is different from a battle for money. As bad as it sounds, a need for money is better than power. In a way money is power but then when people get rich, they want to get richer but their highest concern is not power.
    We had wars in history because they were wars more of power than money. We survive without stupid wars today because we fight for money. Its a little complicated, I can go yap yap yap about this, for me its neverending i guess. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:41 PM  

  • I can see your point, but I guess we can never have a straight answer to that question.
    There will always be instances where power leads to wealth and then there will be cases where wealth leads to power.
    The wealthy can wield power and likewise the powerful can amass wealth.
    so I still think both of them are almost synonyms.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:31 AM  

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